De-aeration / Air extraction


Fine grained bulk materials such as cement, plastic powder, milk powder etc. are often charged with large quantities of air during the pneumatic transport. While filling and bagging, these air quantities cause low bulk densities, and as a consequence, the trans-portation volumes increase significantly.

Depending on the powder type, the bulk volume can be reduced by up to 20 % of its bulk volume.

For the volume reduction of bulk materials in bags or other containers, suction pipes and other de-aeration elements made from Siperm are available. The different materials and filter grades are used dependent on the application.

If necessary, the surface of the porous Siperm material can be cleaned from powder accretion after the suction cycle by a pressure surge from the product-averted site.

We deliver seamless pipes made of porous stainless steel, polyethylene or bronze. Other customer-specific solutions are possible.

Please feel free to contact us. We shall be pleased to advise you

Filter candle SIPERM R

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